In addition, to mitigate danger due to rapid afternoon heating, there will be a cut-off for the Race Course at the bottom of the Headwall Bootpack. The cutoff time is noon.
Also, this race is self-supported. You will need to carry all the food/water you need. Though if you'd like to take the time to grab a Belgian waffle at Corbet's Cabin, feel free!
If you have any questions:


Following is a brief course description:
Start at the events tent near the deck of Nick Wilson's, skin over the skier bridge and up Gros Ventre. Fairly steep groomer could be a bit slick. Turn left onto South Pass Traverse and follow the cattrack past Thunder Lift, past Sublette Lift and up Rendezvous Trail into Cheyenne Bowl. The Recreational class will transition on top of the big hump on climber's right of Cheyenne Bowl for their descent down R-Trail and Lower Sublette Ridge.
Pro class will continue climbing up Bird-in-the-hand for a bit of off-piste skinning to Laramie Traverse. Pull skins to descend far skier's right into Laramie Bowl down to the bottom of Grand. More off-piste skinning up Grand Woods to the top of Thunder Lift.
Pull skins to descend Paintbrush into Toilet Bowl onto Amphitheater. Nice and bumpy descent-watch for rocks-early season conditions exist!
Third skin will be a combination of off-piste, groomer and cattrack to reach the top of Bridger Gondola. Toss your skis on your pack and boot to the top of the headwall. Skin over to the top of Coombs and rip the southeast-facing couloir to the small bench at the bottom of the cliffband. Hang a hard right for a gliding traverse to the top of the Cirque.
Put skins on to climb up into Tensleep Bowl with the Corbet's boot looming above. Skis on pack for the boot up Corbet's, then skis on feet for the skin to Corbet's Cabin. Catch your breath for the long descent down Rendezvous Bowl onto Rendezvous Trail. Go hard left off the run down Wally World, above Bivy Woods into Cheyenne Bowl. Follow R-Trail almost to the bottom of Sublette Lift and go right onto Lower Sublette Ridge. As you descend lower, pay close attention to the local flora, as it increases in abundance and beauty. Hit the cattrack at the bottom of the ridge and go left. Stay far left-don't descend to the bottom of Union Pass Lift.
As the cattrack starts to climb, stop, put skins on and climb Colter Ridge to South Pass Traverse. Rip skins for the final time, head downhill on the cattrack, not very far, and go hard right off the cattrack, hucking carcass into Lander Bowl. Ski Lander Bowl, merge with Lower Tramline, again watching for sage and rocks. Get on the groomer and grab your tuck. Look left as you cross the Way Home trail, keep heading toward the bottom of the tram, cross the skier bridge and finish at the event tent.
Good show-you're back where you started-only with a bigger smile (and appetite).
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